Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation

Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation

Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation

Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation

Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation

Custom African Safaris
Benefiting Conservation
How it works

Your Destination
View our recommended safari destinations for some inspiration.

View our recommended safari destinations for some inspiration.

View our recommended safari destinations for some inspiration.
“There’s something about Africa....it changes you."
Those who have been to Africa say that Africa is their favorite place to travel to. My first trip to Africa still ranks as my all- time favorite trip, hands down. There is no comparison. I carry the joy, magic and awe of Africa with me every day. This is not just fluff to try to convince you to travel to Africa. It is the honest truth of the effect that Africa has had on me, and I sincerely hope that you too will experience the wonder and soul-fulfilling energy that this magnificent place gives. Your safari makes a difference! Conservation is a core value of Safari Rim, therefore, a portion of all profits is donated to African wildlife conservation.
Top Destinations
Safari Destinations customized to fit your budget and needs.
Top Experiences

A continuous migration of 1.5 million wildebeest and 500,000 zebra within sections of Kenya and Tanzania following the rains in search of greener grass. Along the way the animals face a gauntlet of obstacles: predators, a rushing river and exhaustion. No matter the risks, they must press on for survival.
Excitement and a range of emotions await you. Welcome to a place where you’re surrounded by a blanket of creatures on an endless journey for survival. A dramatic story is about to unfold. The thunder of hooves, dust clouding the air, a river churning and the thrust of each animal as they desperately try to make it to the other side, all set the stage for an epic show of the quest for survival.
When to go
The timing of the Great Migration is never certain and varies from year to year, but generally the best times to witness the Migration are:
Kenya: July – October is the peak migration season in the Masai Mara.
Tanzania: July – September in the northern Serengeti when there is a greater chance for river crossings as the animals make their way toward the Masai Mara in Kenya; February – March in the southern Serengeti when the wildebeest are giving birth to their calves and experiencing more tranquil grazing periods
Top Experiences

Hot Air Balloon Ride
A safari from an angle that most people never see! Take flight in one of the most unique safari vehicles out there, a hot air balloon. Just imagine the thrill of floating gently above Kenya’s most spectacular reserve, the Masai Mara, as the sun makes its grand entrance to a new day. With open skies ahead of you, there is so much to see. You’ll glide above the treetops, the slinking Mara River and vast grasslands as wildlife roams freely below. Bring your camera because you never know what you might spot. Giraffe feeding? Elephants marching? Lions chilling? There are so many possibilities that nature holds. After touching down, the morning is capped off with a delicious breakfast in the open bush. How special is that? Don’t miss this one!
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya
When to go
The early morning is typically when hot air balloon rides are done, there’s no better way to watch an African sunrise! Bring a jacket and wear layers as morning temps are definitely on the chilly side but the sun will warm you as it rises.
Top Experiences

Mokoro Ride
A mokoro is a “dug-out” canoe. 1-2 people ride in the mokoro as a “poler” stands at the back of the canoe with a long pole to push and guide the mokoro through the channels. Your guide will point out things that are often missed from land such as lily pads, lotus flowers blossoming out of the water, reed frogs, birds and maybe larger wildlife from your seat in the mokoro. It is a relaxing and peaceful way to experience the Delta from a truly unique perspective.
*Disclaimer: Hippos use the channels of the Delta and have been known to flip mokoros if they feel their territory is being threatened. Speak with your guide about the conditions around their particular lodge to determine if you feel comfortable participating in the activity. There is a risk to riding in a mokoro, but it is also a spectacular experience. The choice is completely up to you.
When to go
May – November
Floodwaters begin to arrive in May, and the Delta reaches its peak flood in July. Water begins to recede in September. There is also permanent water in the Delta so if you choose to visit at a time other than peak flood season you can look to stay in an area with water year-round to ensure that you can take part in water-based activities.
Lindsey Densing

Why I Want to Make a Difference
Like many of you, I’ve always loved animals and have donated to lots of animal welfare and conservation organizations over the years. I’ve also returned many lost dogs to their owners after coming across them while on a run or out driving. I even try to return spiders that get in the house “back to the wild” instead of squashing them. So you can imagine the instinctual pull I feel towards threatened African wildlife. Whether it’s poaching, trophy hunting, animal exploitation, climate change, habitat loss or human-wildlife conflict, the fact of the matter is, we could lose many of these incredible creatures if we just stand by and let things happen.
When I saw the documentary film Racing Extinction, it got me mad and fired up! It reveals the significant role of humans in the potential future extinction of 50% of the world’s species. I want you to pause and think about that for a second. (pausing..) Imagine half of the world’s animals being wiped out. Gone forever. Because of us! I was angry at humanity. The film made me cry my eyes out (I’m even crying now writing this), but it also inspired me in a way that nothing ever has before. Coming to terms with the reality our planet and its creatures face can paralyze you if you let it. I chose to do something about it and use this energy to help turn the tide and make a difference for conservation.
I want my life to have a purpose, and I feel that my business’ support for conservation can help fulfill that. Every traveler that books through us makes a difference. With each trip booked through Safari Rime, a donation will be made to the African Wildlife Foundation to support conservation work throughout Africa.
This planet is not just ours. We have a responsibility to take care of it and all of its inhabitants. We are a species that has done so much harm in so many ways to life on Earth, but it’s time for us to step up and fight for those animals that can’t speak for themselves. There is opportunity everywhere for positive change in conservation, but we have to act in order to move the needle. This is the moment to seize and make a difference. We can do it together!